Enhancing and promoting a conducive environment for learning. Enriching the research culture in all the disciplines at the FATA University.
Ensuring the international standards in education and uplifting the teaching learning environment for effective learning through a sustainable Quality Assurance mechanism.
- To improve the quality and standard of the FATA University by enhancing the confidence and mutual cooperation among the faculty members, students, their parents, regulatory bodies and society at large.
- To enhance and strengthen the internal quality assurance process in the university with a special focus on quality of higher education as prescribed by the Higher Education Commission (HEC), Islamabad.
- To establish an effective system in facilitating the Self-Assessment process of study programs offered at the FATA University.
- To standardize the educational system in the university according to the requirement of HEC and international practices.
- To get feedbacks from students, teachers, graduates, parents, employers and other stakeholders regarding the educational system in the university and to incorporate the fruitful suggestion, if any and if deemed necessary.
- To ensure the quality of human resources at the university, the directorate will involve in the activities assigned by the higher authorities from time to time.
- Promoting public confidence regarding the quality and standards of the award of degrees.
- Evaluating the faculty performance and providing training to the faculty members in different capacities to enhance the overall teaching learning process in the FATA University.
- Devising quality assurance processes and methods of evaluation to verify that the quality of provision and the standard of awards are being maintained and to foster curriculum, subject and staff development, together with research and other scholarly activities.
- Ensuring that the university's quality assurance procedures are designed to fit in with the arrangements in place nationally for maintaining and improving the quality of Higher Education.
- Development of qualifications framework by setting out the attributes and abilities that can be expected from the holder of a qualification, i.e. Bachelor, Bachelors with Honors, Master’s, M. Phil, Doctoral/faculty.
- Monitoring department activities to measure the performance, and encouraging them to uplift their teaching & learning quality by conducting different program i.e. Seminars, workshops, monthly department meeting.
- Reporting to the higher authorities for matters related to the quality of education & research and other tasks assigned by the authority from time to time.